My Recently Read Books

August was quite a busy month for me. Between interning at my local library, moving into college and starting classes, I did not have high expectations for the amount of books I would be able to read. Surprisingly I managed to finish a total of ten books! Ironically, August was my most successful reading month of 2015 and looking back, I am not sure how I accomplished such a task.

Among these ten titles, I read five novels, four children's chapter books, and one graphic novel... So I guess you could say reading ten books wasn't exactly difficult. I do, however, have strong opinions on the books I managed to finish and thought that I would share a Wrap Up and Review of the titles I enjoyed in August. This will not only give a feel for what I like to read, it will also give a nice little peak into what really irks me in some works.

Reading hasn't been my top priority since returning to school so I'm not sure how many books will be finished in September but at least I can be proud of August.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
by J.K. Rowling
Finished: August 3, 2015
GoodReads Rating: 5 Stars
I finally finished re-reading the Harry Potter series after months of pecking away at them (I started when I got home in May). Although it took me much longer than it should have to get to the final installment, I soared through this one. This has definitely become my favorite novel in the series, probably because I have read it less than the others. I have read the other books anywhere from six to twelve times, but this one I have only read around four times. Obviously, this made it much more enjoyable. My experience with the series was different this time. Hermione annoyed me, Sirius made me angry, and Kreacher was absolutely adorable. Needless to say, this experience has left me filled with unpopular opinions.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
Finished: August 6, 2015
GoodReads Rating: 3 Stars
After hearing every book reviewer on YouTube rave about Colleen Hoover's Contemporary novels, I finally decided to pick one up. Ugly Love is a modern-day love story. The characters do not meet and fall head-over-heels in love with each other within ten pages, it is far more complicated. Tate stumbles across Miles in the hallway of her brother's apartment building where he is passed out after a night of drinking away his sorrows. The story progresses as the two agree that the obvious sexual tension between them must be appeased and they embark on a "Friends with Benefits" relationship. This book was an average contemporary novel. Tate was relatable, if not a bit predictable, and Miles was the brooding, mysterious hunk that most post-pubsecent females love to read about. The multiple perspectives kept things interesting, and the build up Miles' insight provided was nicely climaxed in a way that was not totally predictable. I enjoyed the story but was not necessarily as wowed as I have been by previous contemporaries. I do, however, issue a word of warning: If reading in slightly poetic prose drives you crazy, skip this. Miles' perspective mirrored that of a high school student's poorly written poetry homework and Hoover's desired effect fell relatively flat.

Ms. Marvel, Vol.2: Generation Why 
by G. Willow Wilson
Finished: August 12, 2015
GoodReads Rating: 3 Stars
This was my third endeavor into the world of graphic novels, after finishing Ms. Marvel Vol. 1: No Normal and Saga: Volume 1, I must say that I have enjoyed the genre more and more each time I've tried it. Generation Why is the second bind-up of the Ms. Marvel comics and while enjoyable, I did not find it quite as relatable as the first installment. Kamala is a normal teen who gets superpowers thrust upon her but still has responsibilities at school and home. I think the first volume did a better job of displaying Kamala as a teenager who just happens to, also, be a superhero. The story was exciting but the focus seemed to be much more on her superhero life than on the balance she must maintain which gave this a much more superhero comic vibe. I know, I know, that's exactly what this is, but that is just not my genre and I liked the Ms. Marvel series because it did not feel like the normal superhero story. I am hoping that the third volume will focus more on the balancing act Kamala's life has become and not so much on all her new superhero buddies.

Since You've Been Gone 
by Morgan Matson
Finished: August 13, 2015
GoodReads Rating: 4 Stars
I picked up this novel because I was in the mood for a light and summery Young Adult contemporary read. This definitely fit the profile. If you watch any amount of BookTube, you are well informed about the premise of this book. Sloane is Emily's best friend and they do everything together. Sloane taking on the world with confidence, while Emily floats along beside her, taking part in things but never really experiencing it. When Sloane disappears at the beginning of summer leaving Emily no explanation but a list of things she should do with her summer, Emily is thrown into a summer filled with experiences she never thought she would have the courage to have and people she never expected to befriend. This was one of my favorite reads all summer. The characters were well-developed and likable, and Emily was relatable to a shy, quiet girl like myself. This was an easy read and didn't take me long, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good contemporary.

Faking 19 by Alyson Noel
Finished: August 15, 2015
GoodReads Rating: 2 Stars
I have had this book for about five years and did not feel the urge to read it until I turned 19. I kind of wish I had just fought the urge and donated it with the rest of the books I have avoided reading. This was the worst book I have read in 2015 so far. Yes, even worse than Fifty Shades Freed. The writing in this was juvenile and I felt myself get annoyed at the main character more times than I could count. I would love to explain the premise to you but honestly, there wasn't much of a plot to get sucked into. Alex is failing senior year, while her perfect best friend M is off to Yale. The two go on superficial, poorly-written adventures to LA and meet two much older, rich boys. I finished this in a day. Not because I was so enamored with the plot that I could not put it down, but because I wanted to end the torture as soon as possible. Don't waste your time reading this, it is truly not worth it.

For Keeps by Natasha Friend
Finished: August 17, 2015
GoodReads Rating: 3 Stars
This is another Young Adult Contemporary that I have had for five years or so. I picked this one up right after finishing Faking 19 because I was in the mood to get books that I had had forever off of my To Be Read shelf. This novel was much more enjoyable than the one before. Josie, our main character, was the product of a teenage pregnancy and has never met her father. When her father's parents move back into town, she is set on the path to figuring out who she really is, and a love interest spices things up. I was not as annoyed with these characters as I was with Faking 19. They were more down-to-earth and much less superficial. This was by no means my favorite book of the month but it definitely did not crash and burn.

The Spiderwick Chronicles 1-4 
by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Finished: August 26, 2015
GoodReads Rating: 5 Stars
I will be speaking about all four of these Children's Fantasy novels at once because they are best summed up as a whole. The Grace children have moved into a new, creepy mansion and have subsequently found themselves mixed up with a whole new world of creatures. From goblins to trolls to faeries, this series is well-equipped with magical creatures. I first read this series when I was a child and fell absolutely in love with it. I hadn't read the books in over a decade, however, so I decided to see if I liked them now as much as I did when I was eight. I still thoroughly enjoyed these books. They go by quickly, not surprising considering they're only about a hundred pages each, and the illustrations take up about half of that. Between Black's beautiful story-telling and DiTerlizzi's amazing illustrations, these books really are addicting. I marathoned these in about a day and am really glad that I did. I do not yet own the fifth installment but have ordered it and cannot wait to devour it, as well.

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