November To Be Read (TBR)

I have been in a pretty intense reading slump for a while now. This is due in part to school work and campus involvement but also because I just haven't felt like picking up a book. I would rather watch Netflix or YouTube, shop online or nap than start reading.

I have decided to force myself out of the slump this month.

This began when I read and reviewed The Grownup by Gillian Flynn. This short story definitely helped push me into reading but it wasn't quite enough to get me excited again.

So I have decided to set myself a goal of three books. Hopefully, this small, attainable goal will push me to read and actually enjoy it.

#1: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
I have heard nothing but amazing things about this book. It's about two lovestruck sixteen year olds and that's pretty much all you need to know. Yes, it sounds like another young adult contemporary but the multitude of positive reviews and a high rating on GoodReads makes me think this will much more than ordinary.

Published: February 2013
Average GoodReads Rating: 4.15 stars

#2: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
This dystopian novel is no Hunger Games. It's about a theater troupe who is performing King Lear when the world comes to an end. The troupe travels around in this post-apocololyptic world and the theater kid in me is dying to read this novel. I love dystopian fiction but have found all of the novels since Divergent to be stale. This one looks like it will be quite different and I am intrigued to see where Station Eleven will go.

Published: September 2014
Average GoodReads Rating: 4 stars

#3: The Crane Wife by Patrick Ness
This novel is serving as the ultimate test to see if I am really out of my reading slump. All I have heard about this book is that it's beautiful. It's not exciting but it is relatively short. So I'm hoping that even if I begin to get bored with it, I won't have too many more pages to read. I will save The Crane Wife is about a lonely man who owns a print shop and makes cuttings from discarded pages. It sounds relatively boring but I've heard great things. I will be saving this for the end of the month and I'm hoping that it will prove that I am ready to get back to reading six books a month.

Published: January 2014
Average GoodReads Rating: 3.55 stars

Wish me luck!


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