How to Force Yourself Out of a Reading Slump

Reading slumps can plague even the most dedicated of readers. I myself have been in a slump since the beginning of this semester and I am currently pulling myself out of it. Here are a few of my most useful tips on how to get yourself out of a dreadful reading slump.

1. Read something short.
Trying to delve into a 600 page novel during a reading slump is pretty much impossible. Even the most exciting novels will prove to be too much of a task when you don't feel like reading anything. Short books will present an attainable goal that you can tackle at your own pace. Even if you read a little bit everyday, your progress will get you excited about conquering larger reading goals.

2. Pick a space of time to read everyday.
Whether it be between classes and homework assignments or right before bed, commit to a realistic span of reading time. I like to read before bed because it provides a relief from stress before I fall asleep. This not only will give you a break from your busy day, but will ensure that you're using some of your down time to read and not just play around on Facebook or YouTube. I find that 30 minutes to an hour everyday really helps kick my reading desire into gear but even fifteen minutes during a homework break can really do the trick.

3. Don't let reading stress you out.
If you start thinking of reading as just another thing on your todo list and not a fun activity, let yourself stop reading. Don't force yourself to read if it's not enjoyable at all. Sometimes reading slumps occur because you're not excited about what you have to read or you just don't feel like it. But they can become exponentially worse if the thought of those unread books are an extra stress in your life. In certain cases, it is best to just ride out the slump until you feel like reading again. There's no point in letting the slump upset you, because it will only decrease your desire to read. Every reader goes through this, just let it go until you're back in the reading mood. Don't freak out, you will be back to reading ten books a month before you know it.


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